The Babelizer Word Obfuscator
As its name suggests, Babelizer is a word-scrambling program. Halfway through
Umberto Eco's Foucault's Pendulum, Jacopo Belbo, a Garamond Press editor,
demonstrates a program he has that reads lines of text and prints them out in
random order. However, because this program requires file-system access, (which
most browsers will NOT allow under any circumstances) you must download
the Java class files and then run them from the command prompt using the command
line Java interpreter. The engine has two front-ends, a somewhat flaky console
program (hence named after Belbo) and a GUI which has been wound up into a holy
mess. (hence it's named after Diotallevi, a character who aspires to be Jewish.)
Once the class files are downloaded, run the console program with the command
java Belbo
. If you want to run the GUI, use java Diotallevi
. The source has been provided for fun. The class MySecureRandom
uses SHA to generate a semi-random value, which is then XOR'd by the
results of the System.currentTimeMillis() function.
Download a ZIP with source and binaries. (14K)